EPE Association Secretariat
Brigitte Sneyers, Secretary General
Philippe Hamacher, Communications Manager
Nancy Langsberg, Administration
Mireille Vankeerberghen, Assistant to the Secretary General

C/o VUB – IrW – ETEC
Pleinlaan 2, Avenue de la Plaine
B - 1050 Brussels
Tel: +32 / (0)2 – 629.28.19.
Fax: +32 / (0)2 – 629.36.20.
E-Mail: epe-association@vub.ac.be
URL: http://www.epe-association.org

Local Conference Secretariat
Mélanie Gilmant
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Bâtiment P2, cite scientifique

University of Lille1
Villeneuve d’Ascq 59655,
Email: info@epe2013.com
Phone: +33-(0)3-20-43-46-96
Fax: +33-(0)3-20-43-69-67