**** The "How to organize a carbon care conference?" tutorial has moved to the morning****

Location of the tutorials:

Tutorials will be held at the school POLYTECH'LILLE located in the Campus "Cité scientifique", Villeneuve d'Ascq.
The school is easily accessible from the city centre of Lille: you will need only 15 minutes by Metro (Line 1, Direction "4 Cantons"). Then, get off at the terminus station: "4 Cantons Grand Stade" to reach the school by foot (5min, see the indications on the map below !).

Access map to the tutorials


08h00 – 09h00    Welcome and registration for the tutorials

09h00 – 10h30    Tutorials am, Part 1
10h30 – 11h00    Coffee break
11h00 – 12h30    Tutorials am, Part 2

12h30 – 13h30    Lunch break

13h30 – 14h00    Welcome and registration for the tutorials

14h00 – 15h30    Tutorials pm Part 3
15h30 – 16h00    Coffee break
16h00 – 17h30    Tutorials pm Part 4

Detail of the tutorials:

Registration information >>here<<

Title of the tutorial Duration of the tutorial
1 Power Electronics and Control for Renewable Energy Systems (more details)
Johanna Myrzik, TechnicalUniversity of Dortmund,Germany
Mike Meinhardt, SMA Solar Technology AG, Germany (Coordination of Tutorial)
Full day
2 Recent advancements in digital implementation of AC drive controllers (more details)
Prof. Eric Monmasson, University of Cergy-Pontoise, France
3 Battery Management Systems for Electric Drive Vehicles and Grid Storage (more details)
Chris Mi, Ph.D, Fellow IEEE, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Director, DOE GATE Center for Electric Drive Transportation
4 Reliability in power electronic systems (more details)
Peter de Place Rimmen, Danfoss Power Electronics A/S,Denmark
Frede Blaabjerg, Aalborg University,Denmark
Giovanni Busatto, University of Cassino and Souther Lazio,Italy
Marco Liserre, Aalborg University, Denmark
Full day
5 Technology, Design and Exploitation of PV Power Plants (more details)
Pedro Rodriguez, Prof. (contact person), Senior Scientist, Abengoa, Abengoa Research
Remus Teodorescu, Prof., Aalborg University, Institute of Energy Technology
Dezso Sera, Assoc. Prof., Aalborg University, Institute of Energy Technology
Tamas Kerekes, Assoc. Prof., Aalborg University, Institute of Energy Technology
****This tutorial has now been cancelled. All participants already registered will be contacted by the EPE Association****


6 Analytical Modelling and Optimisation Techniques and Tools for the Design of Electrical Components and Systems: application to electrical machines, power electronics and electrical drives (more details)
P. Enciu, Vesta-System, Grenoble, France
C. Espanet, FEMTO-ST - Parc Technologique, 90000 Belfort, France
F. Wurtz, G2Elab, ENSE3, 38402 Saint Martin d’Hères Cedex, France
L. Gerbaud, G2Elab, ENSE3, 38402 Saint Martin d’Hères Cedex, France
F. Verdière, Vesta-System, Grenoble, France
****This tutorial has now been cancelled. All participants already registered will be contacted by the EPE Association****


7 Silicon Carbide Power Electronics (more details)
Hans-Peter Nee, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden
Jacek Rabkowski, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden
Dimosthenis Peftitsis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden
8 Optimal Design of Inductive Power Components based on Accurate Loss and Thermal Models (more details)
Dr. Jonas Mühlethaler,
Gecko-Simulations AG, c/o ETH Zürich, Power Electronic Systems Laboratory
9 Ultra-Capacitors in Power Conversion: Applications, Analysis and Design - From Theory to Practice (more details)
Dr. Petar J. Grbovic
Senior Expert,
Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH
Energy Competence Center Europe
Full day
10 How to organize a carbon care conference (more details)
Prof. Stéphane Clénet, Arts&Métiers ParisTech, L2EP, France
Prof. Alain Bouscayrol, Université Lille1, L2EP, France
Prof. Pascal Maussion, Université Toulouse, LAPLACE, France
Dr. Loïc Chevallier, Université Lille1, L2EP, France
Mme. Charlotte Sannier, Arts&Métiers ParisTech, Institut de Chambéry, France
Mr. Xavier Cimetière, Ecole Centrale de Lille, L2EP, France



Lunches can be reserved only via the EPE conference website before 20th August :

>>registration page<<

Lunch time is at 12h30 by presenting your access badge. Please, think to pick up your badge at the "Tutorial Welcome Desk" before 12h15.


To travel in Lille and surrounding use the metro and participate to our Carbon Care Action. Here is a general map of both metro lines.

Metro Stations Lille

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