Prof. Ahola Jero -  Lappeenranta University of Technology -  Finland
Prof. Akagi Hirofumi -  Tokyo Institute of Technology -  Japan
Prof. Aloïsi Pierre -  France
Prof. Dr. Alonso Marcos -  Universidad de Oviedo -  Spain
Prof. Dr. Antunes Fernando Luiz Marcelo -  Universidade Federal do Ceará -  Brazil
Dr. Apeldoorn Oscar -  ABB Industrie AG -  Switzerland
Prof. Asher Greg Mark -  University of Nottingham -  United Kingdom
Dr. Azzopardi Stéphane -  Université de Bordeaux -  France
Prof. Ban Drago -  University of Zagreb -  Croatia
Dr. Bassett Roger -  United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Ir. Bauer Pavol -  Delft University of Technology -  The Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Ir. Belmans Ronnie -  KU Leuven -  Belgium
Dr. Benchaib Abdelkrim -  Alstom Grid -  France
Prof. Dr. Ir. Berthon Alain -  Université de Franche-Comte -  France
Prof. Dr. Binder Andreas -  Darmstadt University of Technology -  Germany
Prof. Blaabjerg Frede -  Aalborg University -  Denmark
Prof. Bolognani Silverio -  University of Padova -  Italy
Dr. Bordry Frédérick -  C.E.R.N. -  Switzerland
Dr. Boroyevich Dushan -  Virginia Tech -  USA
Dr. Ir. Bosga Sjoerd -  ABB AB -  Sweden
Prof. Bouscayrol Alain -  Université Lille1, L2EP -  France
Prof. Dr. Braun Michael -  Karlsruher Institut für Technologie -  Germany
Prof. Dr. Buja Giuseppe -  University of Padova -  Italy
Prof. Cacciato Mario -  University of Catania -  Italy
Prof. Casadei Domenico -  University of Bologna -  Italy
Prof. Dr. Cerovsky Zdenek -  Technical University of Prague -  Czech Republic
Ing. Chatroux Daniel -  CEA -  France
Prof. Clare Jon -  University of Nottingham -  United Kingdom
Dr. Colombi Silvio -  GE-IMV -  Switzerland
Dr. Ir. Coquery Gérard -  INRETS -  France
Prof. Dr. Costa François -  ENS de Cachan -  France
Prof. Crappe Michel -  Belgium
Prof. Davat Bernard -  GREEN-INPL -  France
Prof. Dr. Ir. De Doncker Rik -  RWTH Aachen ISEA -  Germany
Prof. Dr. De Fornel Bernard -  France
Prof. De Haan Sjoerd -  Delft University of Technology -  The Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Dede Enrique -  GH Electrotermia SA -  Spain
Dr. Dijkhuizen Frans -  ABB Corporate Research -  Sweden
Prof. Dr. Eckel Hans-Günter -  University of Rostock -  Germany
Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Fasching Martin -  mfTEC Fasching KG -  Austria
Prof. Fedak Viliam -  Technical University of Kosice -  Slovak Republic
Prof. Ferraris Paolo -  Politecnico di Torino -  Italy
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ferreira Braham -  Delft University of Technology -  The Netherlands
Ing. Fragapane Leonardo -  STMicroelectronics -  Italy
Prof. Dr. Fuchs Friedrich Wilhelm -  Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel -  Germany
Dr. Galceran Samuel -  CITCEA - UPC -  Spain 
Prof. Dr. Gaubert Jean-Paul -  Université de Poitiers -  France
Prof. Dr. Gertmar Lars -  ABB Corporate Research -  Sweden
Dr. Gonthier Laurent -  STMicroelectronics -  France
Prof. Dr. Ir. Gyselinck Johan -  Université Libre de Bruxelles -  Belgium
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hahn Ingo -  Universität Erlangen -  Germany
Prof. Harnefors Lennart -  ABB Power Systems -  Sweden
Prof. Hendrix Marcel -  Technische Universiteit Eindhoven -  The Netherlands
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hofmann Wilfried -  Technische Universität Dresden -  Germany
Prof. Dr. Hui Hui Shu Yuen -  University of Hong Kong -  Hong Kong
Dr. Hyde Andrew -  Alstom Grid -  United Kingdom
Dr. Inderka Robert -  DaimlerChrysler AG -  USA
Prof. Jezernik Karel -  University of Maribor -  Slovenia
Prof. Jufer Marcel -  EPFL -  Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Kabza Herbert -  Universität Ulm -  Germany
Dr. Kalaschnikow Sergej -  USA
Dr. Karlsson Per -  Sweden
Prof. Katic Vladimir -  University of Novi Sad -  Republic of Serbia
Prof. Kazmierkowski Marian P. -  Warsaw University of Technology -  Poland
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kennel Ralph -  Technische Universität München -  Germany
Dr. Kiel Edwin -  SMA Solar Technology AG -  Germany
Dr. Kjaer Philip Carne -  Vestas Wind Systems A/S -  Denmark
Prof. Koczara Wlodimierz -  Warsaw University of Technology -  Poland
Prof. Kolar Johann Walter -  ETH Zürich -  Switzerland
Prof. Kyyra Jorma -  Aalto University -  Finland
Prof. Dr. Ir. Lataire Philippe -  Vrije Universiteit Brussel -  Belgium
Prof. Le Moigne Philippe -  EC Lille, L2EP -  France
Prof. Dr. Lefebvre Stéphane -  ENS de Cachan -  France
Dr. Lelkes András -  EBM Werke GmbH & Co. KG -  Germany
Prof. Lemaire-Semail Betty -  Université Lille1, L2EP -  France
Prof. Dr. Ing.  Leonhard Werner -  Technische University Braunschweig -  Germany
Prof. Dr. Levi Emil -  Liverpool John Moores University -  United Kingdom
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lindemann Andreas -  Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg -  Germany
Prof. Dr. Lomonova Elena -  Eindhoven Univ of Technology -  The Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Lorenz Leo -  Germany
Prof. Lorenz Robert -  University of Wisconsin-Madison -  USA
Prof. Dr. Ing.  Louis Jean-Paul -  Ecole Normale Supérieur de Cachan -  France
Prof. Dr. Lutz Josef -  TU Chemnitz -  Germany
Prof. Marchesoni Mario -  Università di Genova -  Italy
Prof. Margato Elmano da Fonseca  -  Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa -  Portugal
Prof. Dr. Masada Eisuke -  Railway Technology Research Institute -  Japan
Prof. Mawby Philip -  University of Warwick -  United Kingdom
Prof. Melkebeek Jan -  Belgium
Dr. Mermet-Guyennet Michel -  Alstom Transport -  France
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mertens Axel -  Leibniz Universität Hannover -  Germany
Ir. Meuret Regis -  Hispano-Suiza -  France
Prof. Dr. Meynard Thierry -  LAPLACE - University of Toulouse -  France
Dr. Millan José -  CNM - CSIC -  Spain
Prof. Monmasson Eric -  Université de Cergy-Pontoise -  France
Prof. Morancho Frederic -  LAAS - CNRS -  France
Prof. Dr. Multon Bernard -  ENS de Cachan Antenne de Bretagne -  France
Dr. Munk-Nielsen Stig -  Aalborg University -  Denmark
Prof. Dr. Nagy Istvan -  Budapest University of Technology and Economics -  Hungary
Dr. Nami Alireza -  ABB AB Corporate Research -  Sweden
Prof. Nee Hans-Peter -  Royal Institute of Technology -  Sweden
Dr. Niiranen Jouko -  ABB Oy -  Finland
Dr. Nilsen Roy -  Wärtsilä -  Norway
Prof. Dr. Ir. Nogarede Bertrand -  ENSEEIHT - INPT -  France
Dr. Oates Colin -  Alstom Grid -  United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Ing.  Orlik Bernd -  Universität  Bremen -  Germany
Prof. Pedersen John K. -  Aalborg University -  Denmark
Prof. Dr. Peracaula Juan -  Technical University of Catalonia - UPC -  Spain
Prof. Perriard Yves -  EPFL - IMT - LAI -  Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Piepenbreier Bernhard -  Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg -  Germany
Prof. Profumo Francesco -  Politecnico di Torino -  Italy
Dr. Qian Zhaoming -  Zhejiang University -  China
Prof. Ray W. F. -  Power Electronic Measurements Ltd -  United Kingdom
Dr. Reinert Jürgen -  SMA Solar Technology AG -  Germany
Prof. Ribickis Leonids -  Riga Technical University -  Latvia
Dr. Richardeau Frédéric -  LAPLACE - University of Toulouse -  France
Prof. Robyns Benoît -  Ecole des Hautes Etudes d'Ingénieur, L2EP  -  France
Dr. Rodic Miran -  University of Maribor -  Slovenia
Prof. Rufer Alfred -  EPFL - STI - LEI -  Switzerland
Dr. Samotyj Marek -  Electric Power Research Institute -  USA
Dr. Sarrus Franck -  Ferraz-Shawmut -  France
Prof. Schäfer Uwe -  University of Technology Berlin -  Germany
Dr. Schanen Jean-Luc -  G2ELAB -  France
Dr. Scheuermann Uwe -  Semikron Elektronik GmbH -  Germany
Dr. Schierling Hubert -  Siemens AG -  Germany
Dr. Schmidhofer Andreas -  Austria
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Schröder Günter -  University of Siegen -  Germany
Dr. Schrödl Manfred -  TU Wien -  Austria
Prof. Dr. Ing.  Schumacher Walter -  TU Braunschweig -  Germany
Prof. Dr. Shammas Noel  -  Staffordshire University -  United Kingdom
Dr. Siala Sami -  Converteam -  France
Dr. Siemaszko Daniel -  Switzerland
Dr.-Ing. Siemieniec Ralf -  Infineon Technologies Austria AG -  Austria
Ir. Sneyers Brigitte -  EPE Association -  Belgium
Dr. Steimer Peter -  ABB -  Switzerland
Prof. Sudria Antoni -  UPC - CITCEA -  Spain
Dr. Sumner Mark -  University of Nottingham -  United Kingdom
Dr. Tenconi Sandro -  Italy
Prof. Tennakoon Sarath -  Staffordshire University -  United Kingdom
Prof. Thomas Jean-Luc -  CNAM / SUPELEC -  France
Dr. Totterdell Anthony -  Alstom Grid -  United Kingdom
Prof. Uceda Javier -  Universidad Politécnica de Madrid -  Spain
Prof. Dr. Ir. Van Den Bossche Alex -  Universiteit Gent -  Belgium
Prof. Dr. Ir. Van Mierlo Joeri -  Vrije Universiteit Brussel -  Belgium
Prof. Vezzini Andrea -  Berne University of Applied Sciences -  Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Weiss Helmut -  University of Leoben -  Austria
Prof. Dr. Wheeler Patrick -  University of Nottingham -  United Kingdom
Prof. Zawirski Krzysztof -  Technical University of Poznan -  Poland
Ir. Zetterberg Gunnar -  AD Tranz Sweden -  Sweden
Prof. Dr. Zobaa Ahmed -  Brunel University -  United Kingdom