Organizing these Carbon Care actions needs a lot of people. Please find below the L2EP staff which organize the Carbon Care actions. You may join us by email using contact information.

  • Xavier Cimetiere,
  • Loïc Chevallier,
  • Mélanie Gilmant,
  • Alain Bouscayrol,
  • Betty Lemaire-Semail,
  • Stéphane Clénet,
  • Clément Depature,
  • Ya Qu,
  • Ke Li.

The Carbon Care staff also wishes to thank the 9 master students from the Arts et Métiers ParisTech  school of engineering who made in 2012 and 2013 the estimation tool for the conference, as well as other documents. They are:  Anne Dumont, Gautier Gheeraert, Florian Grouas, Olivier Méthais (2012), Guillaume Baudot, Marceau Lequeux-Sauvage,  Tom Remy,  Benoît Robart, and Louison Roger (2013).